Is it possible to make OpenStreetMap work like Wikimapia?

  1. The official website was intended to be a debugging view for database, so when you activate Map Data layer - OpenStreetMap Wiki in layers on the right, you still have to click the exact outlines. That’s the limit.
  2. Furthermore fundamentally, OSM don’t have an area object type. It only has way and relation of type=multipolygon . What considered as areas are generated by each application itself. It may be slightly beyond the purpose of the data layer view now.
  3. To solve all these, you need to use an actual application. has free hourly updates on iOS and Google Play Store if you are an anyhow active contributor, which is entirely waived and unconditionally free on F-Froid. As a middle ground, has similar objectives as the official website. There are more specialized views on , where both the data and appearance are customizable. You can also define the data and view your need with Overpass turbo/MapCSS - OpenStreetMap Wiki , or Overpass Ultra/Styling - OpenStreetMap Wiki by industry standard Mapbox/Maplibre making the display very flexible with vector styles. If you only want to choose from pre-defined styles, you can compare different map renders on eg Map Compare | Geofabrik Tools for raster tiles.

Minutely updated vector tiles demo is being worked on. Perhaps clickable PoI can come afterwards.

Reminder: Call for Feedback on the Data Model | OpenStreetMap Blog The area object type seems somewhat stalled, alongside other data needs osmlab/osm-data-model · Discussions · GitHub