Is amenity=waste_basket;recycling good for tagging combined garbage/recycling bins?

I’m sure that there are valid cases where one feature would need multiple amenity values.

there is also the possibility that for such features a new tag should be invented.

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TLDR amenity_1 is suggested because it used to be quite widely-used, not because of any adopted convention.

I have always considered these write only tags, are you aware of any data consumer who makes use of them?

Based on a quick search of publicly-available code repositories, it doesn’t look like anyone’s parsing the amenity_1 tag. Even though there’s any way to know for certain, you seem to be right in describing it as a “write-only tag”.


Pretty well 24 hours since I tried them & neither is rendering, so I’m guessing the amenity_1 is stopping it from doing so?

Have tried with plain bins to see what happens with them, so we’ll know for sure!

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It is rendering fine as a recycling container for me. Have you cleared your browser cache? (Ctrl+Shift+R)

Screenshot of osm-carto, showing a recycling icon highlighted in orange amongst other map features

Any number of times, but I’ve always just done ctrl+R? When I’ve just tried ctrl+shift+R, it’s updated! Guess I’ve been doing it wrong for quite a while! :crazy_face:

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Re-wording @dieterdreist (no offense meant, I hope none taken):

“iD: a newer tool that breaks some rules.” This rhymes (rather nicely) in English.

(Well, at least one rule, the “one element” rule)

I mean, it’s true. Even knowing that plenty of us don’t like this. Oh, well: things are as things are.

At least OSM is a largely polite anarchy, anyway. It’s a street-cred and respect-earned place. Lots of people stand rather tall from building OSM what it is. I’d like to say we bend rules before we break them.

Getting way, way off-topic.

Anyway, glad to see @Fizzie41 and @TwistedSnake pushing buttons and getting results. G’day.

Glad to hear it worked! I used to be in the exact same situation as you – only reloading with Ctrl+R and being frustrated by the sporadic updates – before I realised that shift was all I needed. The differences between browsers don’t help: in Chrome, you can usually get away with just Ctrl+R, but Firefox needs Shift+Ctrl+R or Shift+F5.

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I’d recommend Ctrl+F5 though for a forced cache refresh of the viewed area, on Windows ;o)

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Thanks, but using a laptop, so trying to F5 may update things, but it also turns the keyboard lighting on & off! :rofl:

At least one range of Dell laptops has/had that feature - by default you had to also press “fn” to get the relevant function key, unless you turned this “feature” off in the bios…

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edit: sloooow typing

Another option, for both Chromium-based browsers and Firefox, is the Shift + Reload button. This does a hard refresh and clears the cache on both. Or, as yet another option, the developer tools, where caching can be disabled altogether.

Hi, going back to the initial question and looking at the wiki page for amenity recycling (, I think that a valid option woul be to use
amenity=recycling + recycling_type=container (or maybe bin, depending on how big the container is) and specifying the type of waste using e.g. recycling:paper=yes + recycling:plastic=yes … and adding recycling:waste=yes.
The tag recycling:waste=yes might be not semantically perfect, given that the waste won’t be really recycled, but it is used around 25000 times (recycling:waste | Keys | OpenStreetMap Taginfo).
It is not a perfect solution for having your waste bin rendered, but another option conforming quite well with OSM standard tagging practice.

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amenity=recycling wiki however explicitly warns against such usage:

recycling:waste: General waste container (black bags) (don’t use this if the waste is not recycled, use a tag like amenity=waste_disposal or amenity=waste_basket instead)

Just for the sake of completeness I’ll note that there is also bin=yes (used some 728000 times), which indicates that the amenity on which it is put also has a waste basket, although that is really not being used on amenity=recycling either.

My solution? Since we know that two different pieces of matter cannot occupy same space at the same time, it only makes sense that we map real situation on the ground (which also happens to solve to problem in the simplest and most compatible way!)

In other words map that recycling container node (tagged with amenity=recycling) as one node, and map another node (tagged with amenity=waste_basket) several centimeters distanced for it (bonus points for perfectionism if you do it in correct direction; but really nobody will be hugely disappointed if you put it in any random direction at such close distances).

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Will work, but Carto will apparently choose to render the recycling bin in preference to rubbish: OpenStreetMap &

Yeah, but there is no way Carto would work whatever proposed solution for tagging was used, right?

It has limited max zoom level, and whenever two amenities are close to each other it will always pick only one to render, and not always in deterministic fashion. Luckily, as the saying goes, OSM is not just a map (especially not just Carto!)

Perhaps vector tiles will help there for “default OSM map visualization”; but in the meantime many other data consumers (like e.g. OsmAnd) can easily search for and display recycling bins and/or waste baskets when they are mapped as separate-but-closeby nodes.

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on a side note, there are systems which collect mixed waste and separate it later in a sorting facility, at least I knew such a plant in the 1980ies (which was later modified to work differently because it was not efficient this way, and because national legislation promoted collecting waste pre-sorted for recycling). And having waste collected for recycling but then just dumped in a landfill or burnt in a plant is not unheard of either. Ultimately you do not know with certainty what will happen to the waste after you throw it in the bin.

Every word of this is true and worthy for me, and I’m in California!

Still, back to the topic, both what “we” colloquially call “garbage” (or “waste”) in USA / American English is frequently “next to” a bin, often blue in color/colour in which is placed street side as “recycling to be taken freely” (i.e. you forfeit all “redemption value” directly to the waste handler). Frequently in urban areas (weekly, typically a day of the week in an area) these are collected from residences and commercial areas by a mechanized pickup (truck / lorry). Further sorting happens at delivery, of course.

The tag in the topic makes semantic sense to me, it might or might not make sense to “downstream parsers and/or use cases.” Oh, well, I suppose. I’m here to state that (maybe as a water mark flowed to here on a wall), thank you.

In Switzerland you find this Bin on every trainstation several times.
Left to right → Waste, Plastic (PET), Aluminium, Paper

In Vienna

I also found such kind of Bin in Germany.

In my opinion. Everything is for Waste but several are only for specific kind of waste.
I would vote for removing the Recycling amenity on bins and vote for Waste_basket with tags that define what in detail.

May could look like:
