Invalid wiki tags to Polish Wikipedia

True, humans get confused… very confused :slight_smile:

For Reda there are two entries in OSM, but only one in Wikipedia, stating that this is both a town and a municipality, so I have set both wikipedia tags to the same wikipedia article.

I use this query, to get Wikidata / WIkipedia links for borders in specified municipiality:

SELECT ?miejscowosc ?miejscowoscLabel ?gmina ?terc ?article ?coords
        ?gmina wdt:P1653 ?terc
        filter (?terc = '{TERC_CODE}') .
        ?miejscowosc wdt:P131 ?gmina .
        ?article schema:about ?miejscowosc .
        ?article schema:inLanguage "pl" .
        ?miejscowosc  wdt:P625 ?coords
        SERVICE wikibase:label {{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "pl" }}

Where I substitute {TERC_CODE} with TERC code of municipiality. Might help with clearing this up. I didn’t have yet time to look into this more.

Har har har.
I have started mass action of adding wikidata entries in Poland and look how many entries appeared… And I have done only about half of Poland.

Also, I’ve found plenty of Wikipedia links to pages that changed their names (seems to be effect of moving to one naming convention in Wikipedia after adding links in OSM).