Interessante Nachricht per OSM-PN: “Hello from Korea”

I’m South Korean, and working on translating WeeklyOSM into Korean (as derFred mentioned)

Considering Korean messege, I think English messege is translation from Korean one.

“구글 이나 마이크로소프트 등 정보 1세계 기업들” - Companies on First World contries such as Google or Microsoft)
“리눅스나 안드로이드 OS를 개조해서 쓰고 암호화폐 시장에 뛰어드는 등 친 오픈소스 적 환경임을” - North Korea is open source-friendly, because of remodeled Linux, remodeled Android OS, participation in encrypted currency, etc.
“오픈스트리트맵을 사용해 자신들의 지리정보 체계를 확충 한다는 다소 엉뚱하지만 가능한 시나리오도 상상해 보고 있습니다.” - it can be imagined that North Korea tries to build its geospatial data through OpenStreetMap, although it may be outrageous. (Because North Korea can’t rely on Google Maps, etc.)

Above sentences don’t exist in English messege, but exist in Korean one.

Moreover, there is difference between North-South Korean language. (–South_differences_in_the_Korean_language) the messege seems to be used South Korean language. (I didn’t feel awkward when reading it)

I think that Wonyoung think the detail map can’t be made without import. But actually it can be made with only enthusiastic mappers.

Anyway, “Wonyoung” is usually used as Female’s name.