Incorrect display of buildings on the map

I added several edits to the map, deleting old objects and creating new ones with full information instead, but when updating the map, the old objects did not disappear, and new ones were not added, I noticed that until I zoom in to the maximum, the changes will not appear, but when approaching the maximum, the old objects merge with the new ones and the objects are not drawn What should I do?

Take a look at browser cache on the wiki.

Additionally on the osm org frontpage, zoom levels aren’t updated at the same frequency. Big zoomed out tiles are heavy to create, so those may take hours or days before being updated.

Different maps use osm data, and their update frequencies may range between instantly to months to never.


Thanks, I’ll wait a couple of days, I hope everything starts working fine

Hi and welcome to OSM

We try to keep objects in OSM rather than deleting and creating new. Every object in OSM keeps his history so you can trace back all edits. When deleting objects this information is lost.

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If old ones were just badly drawn building blobs with no extra info, then it is fine to just delete them rather than drag each node at correct position

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Technically it might be O.K.

Someone has taken the trouble to draw these things in, presumably as well as possible based on the information / pictures available at the time. You simply deleted his work.