Import into mysql database

Im new to Osmosis and OpenStreetMaps and I have a problem. I have created filtered xml osm file from planet excerpt I have donwloaded, now I want to import it into database. Database is initialised or at least there are no errors that would suggest it isn’t. But whenever I lose network connection the process stops and all tables are truncated. So do I have to have open network connection for it to work, shouldn’t it run on server without a need for my computer? And why does it remove all the data it has already imported when I lose the connection?

This is the command I use for it, it should be ok:
osmosis --read-xml enableDateParsing=no file=“YOUR_OSM_IMPORT_FILE” --buffer --write-apidb dbType=“mysql” host=“HOSTNAME” database=“DATABASE_NAME” user=“USERNAME” password=“PASSWORD” validateSchemaVersion=no

So solved it by running php file which executes shell script.