I started a new thread at Finding new images for OSM Wiki - help welcomed! - #19 by Mateusz_Konieczny
Currently looking for a specific image for:
permanent turnstile in a field File:Barrier drehkreuz.JPG - OpenStreetMap Wiki for Tag:barrier=turnstile - OpenStreetMap Wiki (or maybe indoor one also would be fine?)
Fast food in India, preferably McDonald to replace File:Fast food India.jpg - OpenStreetMap Wiki
AED in vending machine - to replace File:AED Japan Vending.jpg - OpenStreetMap Wiki (there is one candidate, but not great)
Place clearly allowing camping but has no infrastructure whatsoever, to replace File:Camp site backcountry.jpg - OpenStreetMap Wiki (if nothing can be found then one of images listed there can be used, maybe File:Refuge Cove, Wilsons Promontory National Park 12.jpg - OpenStreetMap Wiki - but it will be barely visible as a miniature).
In all cases - you can also take photo and upload it to Wikimedia Commons! (they have a better upload process than OSM Wiki, mostly because their community is much much bigger and centers around file uploads)