Title: How can outdated data and missing updates in the Öffi app be improved?
I would like to point out an issue that has been present in the Öffi app for some time. It concerns both outdated street names and a generally outdated database. For example, the street “Franz-Hengsbach-Straße” is still displayed in the app, even though it was renamed “Zu den Obstwiesen” months ago. This problem also occurs with other addresses that have not been updated for quite some time. The app seems to be out of date in its database, showing incorrect or missing information.
Additionally, the updates to the app are often superficial, lacking real improvements to core functionalities. There is a lack of comprehensive updates that could enhance the app’s efficiency and accuracy, especially regarding delays, real-time information, and the correct display of current connection plans.
Another strange detail is that in the app under the “Copyright” section, a period of 2010 to 2019 is listed for the Öffi developers, suggesting that the app has not received significant updates in nearly six years.
I hope these issues can be addressed to restore the Öffi app to its previous quality level.
I’d use the usual feedback mechanisms provided by the Google Play Store (assuming that’s where you downloaded it from). The app isn’t really related to OSM and (at least where I am) doesn’t directly use OSM data.
Mine** says “2024”, so I suspect that the problem may be be at your end. Perhaps provide a few more details - what sort of phone, when and how you installed it, that sort of thing.
** I’m not in any way affiliated with Öffi other than as an occasional user - I use it as a more sane alternative to e.g. Google Maps which keeps trying to sell me crap I don’t want or offer connections that make no sense.
I’m guessing that depends on where you are; where am I in the UK I only get an option to view “on an external map” (nearby stations / three dots / show on map / external map).
If you select a specific connection and then rotate the smartphone to landscape mode, the OSM map should be displayed on the right, with the exact route on the map.
Die Auskunft des Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) findet den neuen Straßennamen nicht. “Herne, Zu den Obstwiesen” ergibt keinen Treffer. Der alte Straßenname wird hingegen gefunden: “Herne, Franz-Hengsbach-Straße”
Hier einfach bei der Fahrplanauskunft des VRR nachprüfbar: https://www.vrr.de
Also wird das Problem irgendwo beim Verkehrsverbund liegen.
Thank you very much for your prompt and helpful responses! It is quite enlightening to know that the street name “Zu den Obstwiesen” has been correctly updated in OSM data for the past 10 months, and that the issue lies with the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR).
As you recommended, I will contact the VRR to inform them that their database still uses the old street name “Franz-Hengsbach-Straße,” which is causing errors in the Öffi app. It seems to be a problem with the VRR’s data update, not with OSM.
Thanks again for your support and clarification. I will now proceed to reach out to VRR and hopefully get this issue resolved soon.