How you tag spa/wellness spa?

Is it the same as Tag:shop=beauty - OpenStreetMap Wiki ?

raised in Changeset: 28615305 | OpenStreetMap - neither OSM Wiki nor iD presets really find anything under this search terms, though iD presets has claim that it shop=beauty is for spas ( see id-tagging-schema/beauty.json at main · openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema · GitHub )

I also opened spa for shop=beauty match is really late despite being an exact one · Issue #833 · openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema · GitHub

There is shop=wellness. But with only very few uses and no definition.

Realistically there’s a whole continuum of places, with places where people go to e.g. get their nails done at one end and where people stay for a day or more at the other. For rendering I lump most of them together under one icon, but that doesn’t mean that a different data consumer would want to be able to distinguish them.

“wellness” hasn’t really troubled the scorers so I’ve not worried about that yet, Realistically the language used is going to vary hugely between regions (even ones allegedly speaking the same language) so I really wouldn’t expect much insight from the OSM wiki here.