The top two ordinary traffic signs (No motor vehicles other than class II mopeds ) & (No stopping or parking) are not as problematic as the texts which read:
Gäller ej behörig trafik.(which in English is: Does not apply to authorized traffic.) and Gäller ej leverans-fordon. 03 - 11 Alla dagar (in English: Does not apply to delivery vehicles. 03 - 11 All days)
How should Köpmansgatan be tagged?
is actually traffic limited? Then maybe something like highway=pedestrian motor_vehicle=private delivery=yes maped=yes
Or is traffic really heavy and exemptions are really wide in practice? Then maybe something like highway=service motor_vehicle=private delivery=yes maped=yes
This is not correct because delivery is a restriction value, not a “transportation mode”. And as per the documentation you’ve linked to, only transportation mode and direction are appended to the key.