That tag is utter garbage and that page should be expunged from the wiki!
The history is of the word is that “brunnel” is/was sometimes used to describe large combined bridge / tunnel schemes. Many years ago, it was used a bit in the press to describe the various English Channel / La Manche crossing schemes before the Channel Tunnel was built. It’s fallen out of use so much that a web search can’t see it for all the mispellings of (IK) “Brunel”.
Someone saw it and created “simple_brunnel” on the OSM wiki. My recollection is that it was designed to remove validation warnings where a highway such as a path crosses a waterway such as a stream, and (a) they couldn’t tell whether it was a bridge, ford or tunnel from the imagery and (b) they could not be bothered to go and survey.
In this case a bamboo bridge is clearly a bridge - get over it. After that, I’d do what @Matija_Nalis suggested above - either use a new descriptive word (but not one misused elsewhere) just just tag structure, width, etc. etc.