How to start pre-render tiles with mapnik?

Hello, guys!
I’m quite newbie in Mapnik and Rendering tiles. So, could you please give me any suggestions about how to start the tiles render process by mapnik. I use Windows and have already pre-install PostgreSQL with full planet by osm2pgsql. Also, I’ve downloaded mapnik2.2.0 and successfully made rundemo. However, my quetion is what I should have done in next step that make a tiles pre-render of my country?
As I can understood I need to get a mapnik-style.xml and start with my database connection, but I tried to generate my osm.xml by and got many errors like:
RuntimeError: XML document not well formed:
Entity ‘layer-shapefiles’ not defined at line 3351 of ‘osm.xml’

RuntimeError: failed to initialize projection with: ‘+init=epsg:4326’ encountered during parsing of layer ‘necountries’ in Layer at line 58 of ‘osm.xml’*
But I don’t know what does it mean.
Perhaps, there is more light way and I can take alredy prepared file for my rendering. Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated.

RuntimeError: failed to initialize projection with: ‘+init=epsg:4326’ encountered during parsing of layer ‘necountries’ in Layer at line 58 of ‘osm.xml’
this error awayed after changing in entities.xml string from to . Is that correct?

RuntimeError: XML document not well formed:
Entity ‘layer-shapefiles’ not defined at line 3351 of ‘osm.xml’

I’ve checked all shp files in world_boundaries and appeared that some files not the same(**ne_**10m_populated_places.shp,**ne_**110m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land.shp). But after changing in layer-shapefiles.xml the error is the same. What am I doing wrong? Ideas?

Did you use a step-by-step instruction for your toolchain, like the one on ?

And there are more users who have set up that tool chain on any linux system, because it seems to be more tested

Thanks Stephen,
I decided to pick the OSM Bright stylesheet, which described here, but I don’t understand what could be this command mean for Windows arround: carto project.mml > OSMBright.xml

Well, I’ve configured and made OSMBright project and added it into Tilemill projects. But when I was trying to open map in Tilemill I got a mistake:

Postgis Plugin: PSQL error:
ERROR:  relation "osm_osm_polygon" does not exist
LINE 2:   FROM osm_osm_polygon
Full sql was: 'SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM ( SELECT way, way_area AS area, COALESCE(landuse, leisure, "natural", highway, amenity, tourism) AS type
  FROM osm_osm_polygon
  WHERE way_area > 100000
  ORDER BY way_area DESC
) AS data WHERE "way" IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;'
  encountered during parsing of layer 'landuse_gen0' in Layer at line 193

Who khows which osm2pgsql scheme is using by OSMBright? I used both planet_osm_line\polygons\points and basemaps like with landuse_gen0