How to specify a non-wooeded area within a wood

Hi, I am pretty new to OSM mapping (have added fountains and paths only) and it may be well possible that I may try taking a bite too large for the beginner. Here is the problem I am trying to solve:

Around N 48° 33.4’ E 9° 8.17’ there is a large open area (mainly fields), which then is surrounded by wood. This area is at least 4 square kilometers large and a significant mark. The current OSM map does not show this, it displays wood everywhere. I would like to get that corrected and I am trying to get that accomplished.

How is such a correction done? Here is what I could speculate: Would I insert a new area, which is field, and which has a higher drawing priority than the surrounding wood but less than the roads and houses?

I am a JOSM user and I have looked through all JOSM help and docu I could find. I have not yet seen a documentation that teaches things more complicated than adding a path. Any reference to documentation, any sketch of actions I need to do, any words of caution or advise are highly appreciated. Thanks!

The way to do this is to use a multipolygon relation. In Josm you simply draw the shape of the open area, select the inner area polygon and the outer area polygon then use Tools->Create Multiplolygon.

The wiki page at gives a general description of how multipolygons work but isn’t josm specific. It might help you with tagging.

Hello & welcome!

Maybe this could help:

quanntumstate and Marqqs, that will surely help. Thanks a lot for the explanation and references!