How to prevent a pedestrian course on ferry track?

When I plan a course on Organic Maps, it suggests me to cross the lake, which is not the expected behavior.

In my view the map is correct as “foot=yes” indicates that passengers are allowed on the ferry.

Could someone advice me on this? I suspect that this is an issue on Organic Maps but wanted to see with our OSM community first.

I’m not sure I agree with access being used on this way in this manner but it is in line with the wiki for ferries:

foot=yes in this case should mean that pedestrians are allowed on the ferry, not that the way can be used by walkers.

What is the expected behaviour? I mean, what is wrong with the suggestion to take the ferry?

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Does the “Avoid ferries” switch in the routing options change anything?


Organic Maps has a setting where you can tell it to avoid ferries (or toll roads, unpaved ways and motorways). Did you use it?

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Thanks, that was indeed the solution to enable this setting.