How to mask map private?


I looked into the wiki and it says, that if you press the key button the privacy menu will pop up. It doesn’t. I can only choose who can edit but not who can view the map.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your adice :slight_smile:

The OSM wiki does not contain that text.

Maybe you’re translating from some other language to English? If so, you don’t need to do that - just post in whatever language you want.

However, you will need to explain what you’re asking a question about. It sounds like some sort of software application, but we have no idea which.


OSM is a opensource map, you can’t hide parts or make parts private?
Do you have a link to that Wiki page?
Maybe you are working on a other map?

Sounds like umap:

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Hey :slight_smile:

Ja stimmt. Ich dachte das Forum wäre für umap :smiley:
Aber wenn ich auf dieses Schlüsselsymbol drücke, kann ich nur auswählen wer die Karte bearbeiten kann.

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uMap/Guide/Define who can view my uMap - OpenStreetMap Wiki says:

Maps by an anonymous author are always visible for everyone.
Maps by a registered author are by default visible for everyone, but this can be changed.

Maybe you have created your map without logging in first.


Thanks alot :slight_smile: