How to map Security Control (indoor, in airports)?

Hi! I’ve mapped the inside of airports a few times when waiting for a flight. It’s still a very niche subject, judging by how rarely some of these tags have been used.

Yes, there is passport control, there is customs, and there are airport security checks, and if we move towards more detailed mapping of airports we will need tags for each of them. For the security checks, I think the most common one is amenity=security_control (used 83 times). I’ve seen barrier=border_control but that was for the actual passport checks. Not sure about customs.

How to tag pedestrian one-ways is a whole subject in itself, but in short I would use oneway:foot.

A few niche tags that I only encountered, or invented, when I started mapping terminal buildings:

  • amenity=lounge
  • airside= I make sure to tag all POIs inside terminal buildings with this
  • building=airport_gate. I invented this tag for when the gate is a separate building. I encountered a few that were mapped building=gate but that’s also used, for example, on the Brandenburg gate, so it didn’t make much sense to me that airports gates should use the same tag.
  • we still need a tag for special assistance desks, I’ve seen a few tagged tourism=information but that doesn’t really fit