How to download London's transit stops data?


I want to get a shapefile of all the public transportation’s stops and stations in London from OSM for academic research purposes.
How can I get it?


I cannot give you a solution to a point, but maybe head over to and do a **search ** there for “export POI”, “list of POIs” or similar keywords.

Answers there will lead you to overpass-api or overpass-turbo … via those webservices you can get all nodes, ways and relations belonging to public transport in a certain area.

First you should get familiar with … and how public transport is tagged in the OSM database in general. See the OSM wiki for details.

Do you want “public transport data for London” or “what public transport data for London there is in OSM”? If it’s the former, you might find useful. If the latter, then as stephan75 says there are various worked examples around, including on the help site.