How to build a custom map using uMap or similar service filtering for specific tags using overpass-turbo?

Hi there,

a local association recently approached me as an active mapper in the region with a question regarding filtering and visualizing OSM data. Their goal is to build a map similar to this one, highlighting POIs for parents, hence filtering OSM data for tags such as “changing_table”, “baby_feeding” or “kids_area”. I criticized the map linked above for only adding a custom static data layer above OSM data, instead of directly filtering OSM data using overpass-turbo queries, thus building a dynamic layer on top of the map that is updated whenever changes in the OSM data occur.

My “better” approach consisted of building a uMap with overpass queries. The resulting map thus profits from contributions of all mappers, but in the same time data collected by the association would find its way into OSM and thus improve the overall database quality. Even though I could easily build a uMap filtering the tags listed above, I miss some functionality: inspired by the Stuttgart map, I would like to show some more information by clicking on a POI. My “interaction data popup” looks like this:

# Wickeltisch
Ort: {name}
Auffindbar in: {changing_table:location}
Kosten: {changing_table:fee}
Gebühr: {changing_table:charge}
Anzahl: {changing_table:count}
  • Is there a way to insert a “translation table” in uMap, ie. a mapping of OSM values to own strings, such as value contained in {changing_table:location} being mapped to “Behindertentoilette”, {fee} to “Nein”, etc?
  • If not, which map service would you recommend for overpass-turbo queries that are updated on a regular basis? I have no experience with hosting an own map service, so any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


For your first question, I’m pretty sure it’s not possible and I don’t see how it could be implemented, maybe umap developers would know ? You could try creating an issue (after checking that it doesn’t already exists, of course).

For another solution, I would look toward MapComplete. The nice thing is that it’s an editor, as well as a viewer. You’ll need to create a theme, starting with the playgrounds one might be useful. I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks alright.
Maybe a bit overkill for your need, but I find the project really nice ! :slight_smile:


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Thank you for your input! I’ll open a feature request for uMap on the weekend. That feature could - at least from my personal experiences - further improve the number of use-cases of uMaps as I always felt that missing feature kind of limited its full potential.

Thank you for recommending MapComplete. I’ve known it as an editor for a while, but it wasn’t the first thing that came to my mind as I never build a map on my own. I’ll look into it on the weekend, I think that could also be a really nice option for the association, as it could vastly simplify their process of entering data into OSM.

Kind regards!

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