How should I tag this building?

Hi all

This building, in Bahrain, is quite distinctive so I’d like to model it for the map.

(It’s the Arcapita building, in case that link goes dead)

How would you recommend I tag it?

So far I’ve drawn an inner rectangle tagged levels=8 and min_level=3 and larger rectangle for the outline of the lower bits tagged levels=2 and added the two to a relation. However that will render the lower bits as cuboid rather than two prisms.



Round shapes in general are not really well supported by 3D tagging yet. However, you could come somewhat close with roof shape tagging: Try roof:shape=round and replace building:levels=2 with roof:levels=2 for the two bottom parts.

Then add some material tags and I imagine the result will at least be recognizable.

Hello Nick,
I have developed specification which allows such advanced modelling, but there is recently no implementation.
I would say, for now use solution suggested by Tordanik.
And don´t worry: It comes in future :wink:

Did you manage to do it? I’d like to do something similar, so it would be awesome to see how you went about it :slight_smile:

looks like he didn’t.

the advices should still work though.

I have tried to do it with estimated heights [and an relation ;-)]
With “Kendzi” it works.

Nice ! Looks quite good !