How should I map and tag the area of a crosswalk?

I had replied below at that time Tagging methods when the entire area is a crosswalk(영역 전체가 건널목인 경우) - #7 by Kovoschiz
I see the reason of using =crossing (the area is both a crosswalk, and a roadway) as the same as =junction (different roads intersecting). There is both a footway=crossing , and a highway= road contained inside. The area:highway=footway would still represent the width of the roadway at a crosswalk.
Aside from existing though unneccessarily constrained use of junction=yes, using junction= for the intersection still ends up with having to choose an arbitrary area:highway= conventionally the highest class highway= intersecting, which causes needless decisions when different highway= class intersects, in various route continuity on each side. This doesn’t solve =turning_circle , =turning_loop , and =mini_roundabout either. Besides, junction=jughandle specifically doesn’t get used on the intersecting area.
As is before, I mentioned the question of whether overlapping area:highway=footway on the area:highway= roadway is worth considering. This might represent how it is crossing better. A supporting reason I thought for it is reducing splitting of the area:highway= roadway mid-block. The better issue I realize now is neither area:highway=footway nor area:highway=crossing may not cover the case of =footway crossing a =cycleway yet. If overlapping areas is done, that would be a simple spatial query of what the area:highway=footway is inside.
Furthermore, what about railway= =level_crossing and =crossing ? Recently I have to suggest area:railway=station to compromise on how railway=station can’t be agreed to be used on areas to replace points. And then, the area:railway=tram majority use suggests interaction of =tram and =light_rail needs to be taken into account area:highway= as well, if not also US =rail street-running. Railway=station as an area? - #181 by Kovoschiz
Even more complicated, consider scramble crosswalks. Should the intersection be split into a area:highway=footway + footway=crossing X-shaped cross, with the area:highway= road triangles in the gaps? Or filling up the whole intersecting area in the original question of the linked post. These don’t show the intersecting roadways nicely.
To conclude here, I believe my perspective depends on how the areas should be drawn. This is for crosswalks only.

  • No overlapping areas: area:highway=crossing
  • Overlapping areas: area:highway=footway + footway=crossing on the area:highway= road. Scramble crosswalks could be solved by area:highway=footway + footway=crossing on the area:highway=junction , treating intersections and crosswalks differently as they are different modes.
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