How organizations can host their own maps


These things are only required if you need continuously updating map tiles. For most applications like this, it’s probably fine to have a planet file that’s months or even years old. So all you would have to do is render a planet one time and upload it.

What is lacking, in my opinion, is a step-by-step recipe for how to run your own cheapest-possible (i.e. vector) map for end-user applications like this. If the foundation was looking for “things that are appropriate for a microgrant”, that’s low-hanging fruit1 that would provide immense value to end users and also decrease reliance on the public tiles.

On this note, OSM US is right now hosting a continuously updating vector-tile planet in the Americana schema (OpenMapTiles with some minor adjustments) that anyone can use. In that setup, OSM US pays for the planet hosting and rendering, and users can connect to it and they only pay for their own usage (bandwidth etc).

We’re working on instructions that people can use to stand up their own vector tile server using this method, but that only gets you the tile server, not the complete styled and rendered map.

1 American-English idiom meaning "useful thing which can be done easily"