How often map is updated

Hello to all

First my complements for this forum. Really incredible easy to make Garmin maps from OSM data.

I’am a Dutchie living already 16 years in Tunisia, and worked together with Alf from on his Tunisia map for a few years.

Already I have made changements in the Tunisian area and created Garmin map.

My question is when I create a Garmin map I get a map from 29/9 for Tunisia, when there will be a new map compiled? Can I create a new one?

Thanks for any reply



Hi Alfred, welcome on the forum.

Lambertus is the owner and maker of the routable maps. His target is weekly updates, but it misses once and a while. So you could expect a new version this weekend or next.

And yes you can make your own version of the map for the Garmin. It requires quite some computer skills. The way to do it is here:

The forum section “Garmin Maps” has much of the discussion you might be interested in.


Hi Hugo,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Is there a way to see if its updated? Or I just have to make download request and see if its changed


The date of the planet used for the map update is the important bit and it’s displayed just below the slippy map on the website.