How many days it will take to see our location on snapchat

How many days does snapchat takes to get data of newly locations

Only snap can answer that question - if they use OpenStreetMap for locations (which they may not) then it’s up to them if/when they update.


If we had location then why we can’t see in snapchat

I’m not familiar with snapchat but in general with third parties there are two separate issues - where they source data to draw maps and where they source data for location searches.

With some services while OpenStreetMap data is used (possibly combined with other data) to draw the maps you the search result when you search for a business or location are drawn from other data sets.

I have no idea if that is true for snapchat or not but with any downstream consumer of our data only the consumer can tell you what they use our data for and when they update it.


Is this a misunderstanding, believing Snapchat is a part of OpenStreetMap? Then I understand the question, but otherwise, ask the maintainers of SnapChat.