How do you tag fences that separate field areas of an animal farm?

Say you have two meadows that have fences separating them. Do you draw one big meadow area and trace the fence inside the meadow? Do you connect the meadow to the other side of the fence’s … say . grass?

Or separate each type of area by the fences like this?

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Do you have a link to the area on the map?

If it is not a too big effort for you, I would draw the two landuse areas separately.
This would make it easier at some point in the future when one of the areas becomes a residential area or a farmland.

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Thanks. That’s what I was thinking. I wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly.


The reason I wanted to a see a link to the area is because there’s the “One feature one OSM element” standard. So if it’s one consistent field that just happens to have a fence in the middle of it then it’s probably better to map it as a single area. If the fenced off area’s are distinct “elements” though, then it’s fine to map them separately. Really it’s probably fine to map them separately anyway. Since at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter. Except some software won’t show that there’s a fence, which can throw things off because then it will look like two distinct fields when that’s not what it is, but most people don’t seem to follow the One feature one OSM element thing anyway. So it’s not a super huge deal how you map it either way and regardless of what the specific technicalities might be.

Or someone wants to add new detail such as field names.

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Good thinking. I was unaware of this rule. I guess in certain situations, it can call for the area to be mapped as one giant mass with the fences in it.

Good thinking. I was unaware of this rule. I guess in certain situations, it can call for the area to be mapped as one giant mass with the fences in it.

you can do it but it makes future modifications more complicated. I’d rather see the field and the fences as distinct objects and not map them on the same object

Not that you asked, but for me it really depends on how large the area is. Like if you have to zoom out the browser window to see the entire field then it’s probably better to map it as separate areas regardless. Animal farms are usually pretty small though. So it would likely be pretty easy to modify later if there’s a need to.