Hosting Tile Server if can't install postgis for postgres?

My goal is to provide a website that keeps track of markers on a map (very simple map idea).

To take any load off the OSM tile servers I want to host tiles on my own website webserver (also I would think this would give me better performance). I have been reading documentation on how to set this up and it sounds like the first step is getting the postgis extension installed for postgres. I host through bluehost and found out today that apparently if I want to install the plugin I have to pay for a much more expensive hosting option.

I am wondering if there is a way to simply download the tiles and dump them in a directory on my webserver and then point my js library to them. I am looking for the best suggestion if I am not allowed to install any tools or extensions that require sudo access. My understanding is that tiles ultimately get stored in a particular x/y/z directory structure. Is there a way I can simply create this directory structure with the appropriate tiles in them on my webserver? Current goal is to support US map only (if that helps).

Very appreciate for any help anyone can provide. Trying to keep the cost of this website low as I want to keep it free.