I’m having trouble tagging lanes on a street in Lisbon. It’s name is Rua da Prata.
The left lane is shared bicycle and pedestrian and goes in both directions.
The right lane is designated for trams and certain permitted vehicles, such as loading and unloading cargo, government vehicles and dropping off residents.
I’m unsure if I should tag it as having 3 lanes or 2 since the shared bicycle lane only occupies one of the old car lanes, but I don’t see a way to tag it as going in both directions with only 2 lanes.
I also can’t find any tags that apply to trams only.
From you description, I guess your are talking about lanes=* and not about the :lanes tagging .
For lanes=* only lanes wide enough for normal cars count and at least some motor vehicles should be allowed to use it. Therefore I would use lanes=1 if I understood you correctly and there are only two lanes in total and on the left lane only bicycles and pedestrians are allowed.
:lanes tagging
:lanes tagging allows you to tag each lane in detail including bicycle lanes and lanes designated for trams but it is far from trivial and you should use JOSM as iD lacks support for this tagging schema.
If you have more questions about this schema, please, don’t be afraid to ask.
Looking at the current tags, I miss some cycleway:*=* tags and oneway:bicycle=no plus I wonder why it is a highway=service as I would have tagged it with highway=residential as normal traffic is allowed with motor_vehicle=destination. You might be also interested in embedded_rails=* to state that tram rails are present as currently there is no connection between the railway=tram and the highway=*.
If I understood correctly, then this is actually a 1 lane street and the old lane doesn’t matter and a cycleway tag is added to represent the shared area? That is much simpler than what I was thinking of.
I’m unsure about using residential as this is not a normal street at all:
-Service vehicles may only use it to deliver cargo between 7:30 and 9 am and must only take 5 minutes maximum.
-Normal vehicles may only head there to drop off/pick up residents and no other reason.
-Police are found at each intersection and while I haven’t asked them I assume it’s to dissuade normal traffic from entering.
-There is no parking on this street.
-The only vehicles with free reign are trams and government vehicles.
-Apart from the regular trams and bicycles, the road is often deserted.
Is it really accurate to mark it as residential/destination? Shouldn’t it at least have the access marked as private?
To be fair, the road classification can be a bit difficult but the general rule is that highway=service is used for non-throughfares like driveways, ways inside parking lots and bus platform accesses (like a bus terminal or basically bus bays but with a barrier to theside). Chances are, highway=unclassified is a better classification and is the to go mapping for “transit malls” (which I assume is this one too) because PT vehicles use them as throughfares.
By the way, cycleway:<side>=separate implies that there is a separately drawn cycleway. If it’s a lane on the carriageway, you should use cycleway:<side>=lane instead, if it isn’t (like it’s essentially a sidewalk but for bicycles), use cycleway:<side>=track or draw a separate way (also remove cycleway:<side>:oneway=no from it because there is no cycleway).
The cycleway:<side>:oneway=no might also be problematic but I don’t know if it’s indeed a two-way cycle lane (not to mention you still should add in a oneway:bicycle=no to the street).
Stopping/Parking/Max stay could be tagged with the Street Parking system.
I think you missed bus here and how about taxi? So bus=designated + tram=designated come to my mind. Depending on taxis, psv=designated could be a shortcut.
Well, if you are only allowed to pick up/drop off residents considering motor_vehicle=private or even vehicle=private + bicycle=yes might be an option. Do not forget the delivery, e.g. motor_vehicle:conditional=delivery @ 07:30-09:00 or vehicle:conditional=delivery @ 07:30-09:00.
Are there any restriction for horses?
Thanks, now I better understand why highway=service is used though I still would use residential.
No, the only public transport which can enter are trams. Taxis can enter if they are carrying residents to this street in specific.
I’ll add the delivery conditional, thank you. The wording implies no discrimination based on vehicle, so horses are probably include. Although, the police would probably let you pass on a horse since it’s so rare. vehicle=private + bicycle=yes seems the best, thank you.
No, thank you. I’ll talk with the local community about which type to use.
Ok, psv=yes seems to be wrong then. Taxis are included in vehicle=* and if tagged explicitly it should be taxi=private.
I still wonder about public transport buses as currently twelve bus route relations have the way as member.