Hardware for OSMAND


I use OSMAND to navigate and save places on vacation. i like to use a tablet for this because of the size.
I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, the problem is that it does not have enough power to render the maps quickly and smoothly.

Can anyone tell me what tablet I would need at least for this? Or what are the minimum specs needed to ensure smooth use?
I need the tablet solely for navigation!

Thanks for the help.


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Note that it heavily depends on amount of data, so specifying something definite is tricky.

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Also keep in mind that the problem may also be caused by a slow SD card instead of slow hardware.

You can try to enable OpenGL rendering to see if it improves your situation: Settings / Plugins / OsmAnd development / Settings / Use OpenGL rendering.

Afterwards OsmAnd must be restarted, otherwise this setting has no effect. You can easily verify that OpenGL is activated if not yet rendered map areas have a grid as background.

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I want to buy the Samsung Galaxy Tab s6 lite (ED2022).
Can someone Tell me If this is a good choice?

Does someone use this Tablet?

A friend of mine has an s6 and is not necessarily happy with the performance. Now I’m not sure if it’s the right one.
Can anyone help me?
