GPS Sport Tracker no longer has access to OSM


Can anybody tell me why GPS Sport Tracker (GPS nagivation free ware) no longer has access to OSM for downloading map tiles. I do get tiles but in stead of maps they are completely white with the text “Access blocked. We suspect this client is downloading maps in an unauthorized manner” written on them. As a user of this free ware, I’m really surprised, because I always thought OSM was free for anyone to use, especially via free ware. How can access be restored to GPS Sport Tracker? Who decided to block GPS Sport Tracker. Anyway, it’s a real shame, because it’s probably the best free ware out there. I use it all the time for sports and travelling, and now I’m … lost.



It wouldn’t be a shame to donate money to … because providing the desired tile files does not come automatically.

See all the hardware that is necessary to run OSM:

And most of the admins seem to do their job after work.

But maybe in some furure there is a solution for tile hungry applications. Only right servers with enough bandwidth are needed.