Gosmore engine not working

Hi all…
I am somnath from India.I developing a web application which requires routing so i decide to use YOURS open source ,for that I install gosmore following steps provide in this link http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gosmore on Debian linux.It install ,but gosmore map viewer is not working.

When I click on Gosmore map viewer it does nothing.

Here is path -Application->other->gosmore map viewer

Please help me

thanks and regards.

Sorry for the late response, I hope I’m not too late.

If you want to use Yours then the viewer in Gosmore is not used. You should compile Gosmore including the -DHEADLESS compiler switch. To check if Gosmore is working and the routing database generation worked OK, you can construct a request and execute it from the commandline like shown here.

Thank you…
You are quite late but fine no problem…
I had already solve this problem…

I’m glad to hear that you’ve solved the problem without me. :slight_smile: