Getting village and town in the same response to Nominatim reverse geocoding


I am getting both village and town in reverse geocoding (


  "place_id": 116316271,
  "licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.",
  "osm_type": "node",
  "osm_id": 1354895986,
  "lat": "50.4220055",
  "lon": "14.9023359",
  "class": "place",
  "type": "house",
  "place_rank": 30,
  "importance": 0.000009999999999954,
  "addresstype": "place",
  "name": "",
  "display_name": "898, Bezručova, Mladá Boleslav II, Mladá Boleslav, Podlázky, Mladá Boleslav, okres Mladá Boleslav, Střední Čechy, 293 01, Česko",
  "address": {
    "house_number": "898",
    "road": "Bezručova",
    "suburb": "Mladá Boleslav II",
    "village": "Podlázky",
    "town": "Mladá Boleslav",
    "municipality": "okres Mladá Boleslav",
    "ISO3166-2-lvl7": "CZ-207",
    "state": "Střední Čechy",
    "postcode": "293 01",
    "country": "Česko",
    "country_code": "cz"
  "boundingbox": [

Shouldn’t there be only one of them?
Is there a mistake in the Nominatim data?

This is the first time I am seeing both town and village in the same response.

I am new to the whole Nominatim project, so I apologize if this is normal behaviour.

Thank you

This shouldn’t happen. For reference, the output of Nominatim:

The Node: ‪Podlázky‬ (‪487919954‬) | OpenStreetMap describes the village and the boundary is given by Relation: ‪Podlázky‬ (‪425919‬) | OpenStreetMap

Seems to be similar to Wie kann man "Suchtreffer" (Stadtnamen, Kreisname etc.) aus dem Suchfeld ändern?. Maybe @lonvia can do something about it?

@lonvia Would you be so kind and help us with this issue? Or send us the right way to communicate this with someone?

The node Podlázky and the relation Podlázky have different wikidata IDs. That prevents Nominatim from recognising that it is the same object. Fix that and the stray node will disappear from the address.

That said it is always possible that a place classified as “town” and a place classified as “village” appear both in an address. OSM tagging is rather inconsistent. It is not uncommon that place=village has been used to tag a suburb of a town. For a more detailed discussion of this issue, I refere to my SotM talk.

If you need more structured address responses, please use the geocodejson format.