For productive discussions - let's get back to the basics of good discussion

Hi adreamy, I appreciate your wish for positive and harmonic productive discussions but I do not think one can enforce such by setting up walls of rules. Intensifying moderation and mediation could help, but would require additional voluntary moderators and mediatiors who will be hard to find - most participants here are mainly interested in factual issues regarding their mapping activities and not that much in social media issues like enforcing a positive and harmonic atmosphere.

Again you have to consider that enforcing such by more intense mediation and moderation could make the forum more attractive to certain users whereas others would most probably feel patronized and turn away. Very difficult to find a level of politeness and discussion culture which would fit everybody.

The official OSMF etiquette guidelines applying for OSM mailing lists as well as this forum you will find


available in various languages already and open for more to come.

I don’t know why another set of guidelines are provided in the section of FAQ of this forum and it does not make much sense imho. FAQ usually has nothing to do with guidelines on one side and on the other side one can imagine the more guidelines are produced the less people tend to read them and act accordingly.

Btw: There have been various discussions earlier about the guidelines and their use, i.e:


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