Finally start routing pedestrian area

They have a point, sort of: we don’t need to explicitly model every potential pedestrian movement, just as we don’t model every potential car or bike movement. Less contrived examples would be necessary to convince people to invest the time and effort to develop more complex solutions for pedestrian routing. But yes, wheelchair routing is an example of why mappers are mapping pedestrian infrastructure in more detail.


Netzwulf shared some of his work under those links on this subject

There is an interactive demo page (Ctrl-Click sets start, click sets goal):

once upon a time, there was a discussion in the forum about area-routing:
Flächenrouting: Wirkungen sind schlimmer als gedacht
which resulted in @maxbe doing a thorough analysis (including areas containing holes or obstacles) and finally creating an area aware routing:
User:Maxbe/Routen über Flächen - OpenStreetMap Wiki

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