Feature Proposal - Approved - Street parking revision

Voting has started for the street parking revision proposal:


We apologise for the extensive size of the proposal, which is necessary because the proposal aims to replace an existing schema about a complex matter with a renewed schema and need to address all existing aspects. Furthermore, additional gaps are closed, lots of examples illustrate the use and the topic of data migration also requires its own attention.

Many thanks to all who have participated in the development and discussion of the proposal on various channels over the past weeks!


I am happy to inform that the street parking revision proposal was accepted with 51 votes in favour, 2 votes against and 1 abstention.

A new wiki page on street parking mapping has already been set up - it contains the new information from the proposal as well as those aspects of the previous pages that remain. Wiki clean up is still in progress - and from now it is also necessary to check and update information mapped according to the old schema. We have already collected some information on the topic of data migration in the proposal - there are also already some tools that help with updating parking lanes.

Thank you for the great participation in the discussion and voting on the proposal and good luck with mapping :wink: