Expansion of Kebbi?

I notice that several counties in Norway and most of the Netherlands are now reported to belong to Kebbi, Nigeria and other places far away.
How did this happen, and how can it be fixed?

where do you see this ? what did you do ?


Where do you see “Kebbi” there?

It was there yesterday, and earlier today. But now it’s gone. Everything is gone now, it used to at least show the correct country.

A similar problem was reported on the Dutch forum : http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=41329

[Edit: I removed my guess about vandalism, should have investigated further before thinking about that]

No, there were no known errors in that area that have been fixed.

http://osm.wno-edv-service.de/index.php/10-osm-reports/313-countries-compare-2015-09-11 and some pages before.

BUT: It may have been a Nominatim-Problem we don’t know about?

The BBOX of Norway is really big.See the litte Island south of africa: https://osm.wno-edv-service.de/boundaries/?zoom=3&lat=-13.60953&lon=38.87192&layers=0BT&selected=2978650
same with the Netherlands: https://osm.wno-edv-service.de/boundaries/?zoom=4&lat=31.66274&lon=-29.28532&layers=0BT&selected=2323309

May be that was the reason?


Missing Boundaries is a good tool to check all errors on all worldwide boundaries - even in your country :wink: Fix it, click the edit-icon on the right and set “fixed by me”.

The problem’s back again. Something like http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?place_id=1262790 works OK but “enclosing features” doesn’t. According to #osm-dev, the overpass api (not nominatim) is playing up currently.


Forgot to ask the most important WWW-question:

Which command/query in which program/website is having which problem?”

Next time please be more specific.


That’s exactly right. It’s an Overpass API issue, Roland is already looking into it.

If you’re impacted by this in overpass turbo, simply switch to another Server, like the rambler instance.
At this time, overpass-api.de is the only Overpass API instance, which is affected.