Error 404


I’m getting the error 404 for few tiles. Error message is " The requested URL /tiles/metamaps/10/521/340.png was not found on this server."

Can anyone please help me on this. Thank you so much in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

Do you mean the main view at

When there are some errors on tha tile delivering server there can be a hint at

Thanks for your response.

No I’m using our custom build map server not

When I checked status of the example tile

http://my map server/tiles/metamaps/10/537/345.png/status

Unable to find a tile at /var/lib/mod_tile/metamaps/10/0/0/33/21/136.meta

Hullo, what does this error message"openstreetmap server response not found" mean when i try to load an OSM layer to OpenStreetMap,(in QGIS).
