DWG seeking information in Crimea

Кажется, чтобы выехать из Крыма хоть куда-то, кроме России, нужны украинские документы.

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А напрямую никуда и не уедешь, кроме России и Украины. Остров)
РФ вроде как пыталась устроить авиасообщение с третьим странами, но вроде ничего не получилось.

Не спорю. Иногда и признанные государства, увы, напоминают вооруженные группировки бандитов до степени смешения.

Еще раз. Пожалуйста, не стоит нести свои шизофренические фантазии в ОСМ. Как указывал Энди Таунсенд, хотите свою карту - форкайте и рисуйте. Хоть Средиземье, хоть Россию на полпланеты. Только к здоровым людям с ней не суйтесь.

Согласен. Это бы и стало нормальным решением проблемы.

Речь идёт о реальности, а не о фантазиях.

Так форкайте и рисуйте, кто мешает?

Раджу всім зацікавленим людям ознайомитися з останніми резолюціями Генеральної Асамблеї ООН стосовно Криму, зокрема з резолюцією 73/263 (проголосована та прийнята 22 грудня 2018 року). Крім іншого, там позначено, що з цього моменту Крим в міжнародних організаціях та частинах системи ООН, в документах, прес-релізах, листуванні позначається як “Автономна республіка Крим та місто Севастополь, Україна, яки є тимчасово окупованими Російською Федерацією”. Всім країнам-членам ООН, а також всім міжнародним організаціям (у тому числі тим, що не є підрозділами ООН) резолюція рекомендує також користуватися цією назвою.

Ага, так і треба в name:* для цих ділянок boundary писати.


Will they ever be published?

Anyway, I’m still expecting apologies from DWG and will consider mapping again if the DWG that made this disgraceful “decision” possible is either retired or makes a sizeable donation to Ukrainian army.


What is exactly your position?

  • are you claiming that Russia has not invaded Crimea?
  • are you claiming that borders should show just and proper borders, not according to real (often nasty and evil) situation?
  • are you proposing to not map border changes after unjust wars? The problem here is nearly all border changes are result of evil wars.

For example, which borders of India and Pakistan should be mapped?

Is it OK to mark North Korea on the map?

Which borders of Western Sahara should be mapped?

(to clarify: in just and utopian world people like Putin would not rule anything larger than a board game club - and even that would be unlikely. Or would be hanged after what he did after equivalent of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials or at least spend rest of his life in a prison and his entire wealth would be confiscated. But sadly we ar not living in a just and ideal world, see Ukraine situation right now.)

Did you even read the thread? Your reply looks like you are either lazy or complacent with russian imperialists. That’s insulting instead of apologizing.

First, please number your questions so I don’t have to quote them. I’ll do that in parentheses like this: (Q0)

  1. Are you claiming that Russia has not invaded Crimea?

… seriously? You may not realize it but this question is aggressive. Do I have to explain why? (Q1)

  1. are you claiming that borders should show just and proper borders, not according to real (often nasty and evil) situation?

I’m claiming that you should resist and not cooperate with dictatorships. Not agreeing with their claims is relatively easy. You could’ve created tags for occupied and contested territories long ago and at least not show these territories as official parts of aggressor country that’s in breach of countless international treaties, memorandums and whatnot. Instead you just allowed their agents to infiltrate the DWG it seems.

By mapping the occupied parts of Ukraine as parts of russia you have already facilitated breaking Ukrainian laws by those visiting these territories without approval from Ukrainian authorities. It’s a crime in Ukraine. And you also facilitated the view that the question is settled. Like whispering “don’t worry about it” with russian accent into your users’ ears.

Next questions are just diverting the attention from the fact that I’m not satisfied with the shady decision-making process that seems corrupt from outside. I really hope the diversion wasn’t intentional and you just didn’t understand.

(in Amy Farrahfowler’s voice)
Please! Publish! The! Minutes!

… at least.

For now I’m even angrier with DWG, are you a part of it?