I am currently a student at university (EPFL) and my research project I need to download around 100k tiles at zoom 20. I was using the api at https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map.json but as you guessed it. Got timeout. Now I saw that there was the Overpass API but it is also limited to around 10k tiles per day.
What is my best option ? Download 10k tiles per day for 10 days or is there something else to try ?
I saw some providers like mapbox but do they provide OSM data or their own ? Also, I can generate my own raster tiles from the request of the OSM API but I don’t know if other providers will give them to me in a similar form.
If you want only certain types of data then Overpass (previously mentioned) is likely to be useful. As an example, here is a query for all the “brewing supplies shops” in OpenStreetMap. I got to the query by taginfo; you can search for keys and values used within the OpenStreetMap database and generate Overpass queries too.