I’m an idiot, that’s 1 or 3 orders of magnitude bigger, depending how one counts…
I think I get it: I remember now gdalwarp is not multithreaded.
Try gdal_translate vrt to tif, then gdaladdo - ro that should write new, smaller tiffs.
You’re working on an SSD at least, right?
But then I would have to vrt
the overviewed TIFFs, and vrt
does not support them, it only exposes the ‘main’ TIFF.
Yes, of course…
Why would you “vrt the overviews”? Declare new layers with each raster overview as tifff the appropriate zoom levels in Mapnik.
Also: how would gdaladdo
would be faster than gdalwarp
? Is 'warp so stupid it hasn’t figured out it’s only resizing and it’s somehow applying projection conversion too?
No, it’s just a screwdriver and you need a hammer, that’s all
You’re saying that you can crop, hillshade and warping/reproject the whole world in 10x10° tiles in 9h? Just warping Europe is taking ages here. And I have done this before, it didn’t take that long. That’s why I’m so surprised.
I thought of using plain ImageMagick to downsample, but it can’t read VRTs. I probably should ask in a gdal forum.
OK, according to WISH: Add overview support to VRT format · Issue #9280 · OSGeo/gdal · GitHub and VRT -- GDAL Virtual Format — GDAL documentation, VRT files dot explicitly declare overviews, but are clever enough to use them when available. I’ll try to do some tests this weekend.
This is amazing! It’s unbelievably fast to build and unbelievable fast to render afterwards! Technology is amazing!