do pushpin clustering on a map based on OpenStreetMap

I would like to do pushpin clustering on a map based on OpenStreetMap from C# VS2013 WPF.

I am using XAML map control lib ( and a push pin clustering lib (

In the push pin clustering lib, the defination of map is


and I need to call the function

public GridBasedClusteredLayer(Map map, ClusterOptions options)

from GridBaseClusterdLayer.cs in the push pin clustering lib and

public void ZoomMap(System.Windows.Point origin, double zoomLevel)  in Mapbase.cs

from MapBase.cs in XMAL map control lib

so that I can do pushpin clustering when I zoom in and out.

But, in XAM map control lib, map defination is


How can I solve the conflict so that I can do the pushpin clustering through XAML map control lib ? I do not want to use Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF in order to avoid the KEY.

Any help would be appreciated.