The same could be said about bicycle_parking=shed
: amenity=bicycle_parking
which is also tagged building=shed
(of which there are 3.9 million) implies that it is bicycle parking shed, so bicycle_parking=shed
(of which there are only 22k) might be called the redundant one.
No, that is not at all what is meant by that specific (and overused) phrase. The phrase “Tagging for the renderer” was historically unfortunately phrased, at it actually indicates a practice of mis-tagging for the renderer: Tagging for the renderer - OpenStreetMap Wiki
E.g. things like:
For example, if landuse=industrial shows up as a pink area on one of maps, and you have a flowerbed full of pink roses, then tagging your flowerbed as landuse=industrial would be incorrect and must be avoided.
On the other hand, adding tags which are correct and useful for some specific renderer (or for some router, or for some other data consumer) is actually useful and encouraged (and some might even argue it is the whole point of OSM existence).