Differences in get_addressdata()

Hello everyone

Recently I had set up openstreetmap on my local servers along with nominatim service for reverse geocoding. While testing it I have spot differences in returned data.
My system is finding the same nearest place (from placex table) for input coordinates as http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse api but the address is different.
Api is more accurate. Function get_addressdata() is responsible for that.

My osm data is from = timestamp 2012-09-11T19:02:58Z
Nominatim repo https://github.com/bivald/Nominatim/tree/8ebc673ebf9ed3ceb2f278d2c0e42b836a34a37c

Probably it’s a problem of data out of date but is there other reason why results are different ?
Maybe somebody had the same thing.

Thanks in advance for answer