Difference between toll and fee?

I have read the wiki about key=toll and key=fee, but I have difficulties to know why there are two similar keys and when to use either. For example is “toll=no” and “fee=no” the same?

To me, “toll” is the place on the highway where you pay to use the road. “Fee” is if you have to pay to use/enter any feature, such as parking, boat, park.

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One option might be to look at what people have mapped previously - keys used in combination with toll and keys used in combination with fee, although in a few places people use both.

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In some languages (like mine) there there are no different terms for “toll” and “fee” and then the difference is surely difficult to understand.

In those english speaking countries I have travelled “toll” stands for what you have to pay for any kind of traffic way (as described in the wiki) and the stations where such money is collected are called “toll station” or “toll booth”.

A fee is what you pay for anythinig else like entrance to a facility, any kind of service, use of equipment and the like.

In less words I agree to the answer @jimkats hase given earlier.

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My understanding is that in English, “toll” is a special kind of “fee”. The word “toll” is specifically used when referring to toll roads or bridges or tunnels. (It’s complicated for ferries.)

For historical reasons (toll gates and roads having been more frequent in Europe a couple hundred years ago) some European languages create a pair of words like this: toll - fee, Maut - Gebühr, myto - opłata.


The specific problem I had was about parking fee on a street (id: 179099840, Munkgatan, Västerås, Sweden) with “fee=no + fee:conditional”. OSMOSE reported this an error and suggested the “fee=no” should be replaced with “toll=no”. But an other user is doubtful about this change. And I must confess, I’m also doubtful.

(By the way, in Sweden we have no toll stations or toll booths. Fees are collected automatically by cameras looking at cars number plates).

Aren’t you German and don’t we have “Maut” for toll and even many words for fee (depending on what kind of fee it is) :wink:


I would keep to “fee”.
I never heard of “parking toll” only of “parking fee”
Searching for both expessions on the internet even searching for “parking toll” shows me one result with “parking fee”.

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Osmose has a very low threshold for “suggestions”. Where it suggests something, and you think it may be wrong, it usually is. :slight_smile:

This isn’t a “bug” in Osmose; it’s specifically designed to have this fairly low suggestion threshold, but the front page of the Osmose site makes it clear that what it suggests are just suggestions and are not necessarily “correct”.


I can see that it is now changed to parking:both:fee, which is the way to go.

Adding fee to a road would mean that is cost money to drive on the road and that again would lead to incorrect routing for people that have disallowed toll roead in their navigation system.

If you know of other roads with fee=yes that are not tollroads, then please edit them

There are a lot of tagging that seems wrong:



illustrated the problem of using multiple major tags on the same way.
Also what would oneway mean on an area?


Thanks for all answers and information!
I think I now understand fee and toll better.


Great, note that fees for parking on streets are dokumented on the wiki:
