Debugging help - Mourne, Gullion & Strangford UNESCO Global Geopark boundary

As you can see from the results, that’s a real hodge-podge of things, varying from big marine reserves like this to small sites, some of which are already in OSM as something else, and some of which don’t really have a defined boundary.

I suspect that most aren’t in OSM and most aren’t really verifiable on the ground - the only way that I know about Fforest Fawr Geopark is because a pub landlord there told me about it - it’s just the western side of this national park (that is in OSM) and takes its name from, but is otherwise unrelated to, this feature.

I’ll have a think about rendering protect_class-98 features sensibly but I don’t hold out much hope - just a label in the middle of Derwent Valley Mills would not help much, and as mentioned above it doesn’t really have a solid boundary.

The things is, UNESCO Global Geoparks get some fairly strict scrutiny by the UN before they get awarded their status, with (I imagine) fairly tightly defined definitions of the geographical extent of the site - and they are periodically reviewed, so can lose their status if they don’t stick to the rules.
So they ought to lend themselves quite well to being mapped as clear cut areas.

(In the case of this new Mourne, Gullion & Strangford one, I have not yet seen UNESCO’s own definition document, just the fluffy press releases that they and the council put out)

I don’t know how strict the scrutiny is as Lochaber Geopark ceased to be a UNESCO one in 2011 and is trying to rejoin. These Geoparks don’t seem to have the same status as World Heritage Sites, which do have to fulfil and sustain commitment to certain criteria.

I know the Villuercas-Ibores-Jara Geopark in Extremadura, Spain is highly regarded locally in terms of tourism potential. So I do appreciate there may be a desire to see them on maps.

Hi again folks.
I had to do quite a big revision of the boundary for the Mourne, Gullion & Strangord UGGp (as it turned out the boundary UNESCO went with in the end was different from the proposed one).

Would anyone who is a whizz with a validator tool like to check I haven’t screwed it up, please?

Also - I have a horrible feeling that I have mucked up the Strangford & Lecale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty boundary in the process - Relation: ‪Strangford & Lecale AONB‬ (‪1428604‬) | OpenStreetMap
(as it seems to have stopped rendering) - but I can’t find the bug. Can anyone spot the problem?

Yes, I fixed that yesterday, and it reappeared today. It was doing that that led to my question at :slight_smile:

I get an email when national parks “appear” and “disappear” in a rendering database - here it is reappearing:

>    -1428604 | Strangford & Lecale AONB
< (83 rows)
> (84 rows)

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Also, to be very strict, an AONB is not a ‘National Park’ in the UK legal defintion … although it is a similar thing (more or less a restriction on planning permission, in practice)

True, and they are tagged differently in OSM to reflect that. However, I do store them both as “national_park” in the database I’m counting them in.

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