CyclOSM appears to have been hacked with fake roads with Cyrillic text. Does anyone know how to remove these?

Hi. I work at the University of Bath and it uses CyclOSM to show layer information on our campus.

It seems as though CyclOSM has had a bunch of long straight roads added to it in Cyrillic.

I apologise for my ignorance on this topic but I’ve spotted this but don’t have any experience with the platform.

I suspect that CyclOSM is a separate project and that maybe there’s nothing I can achieve by posting here, but if anyone is kind enough to, could you give me any clues as to how I might get these fake roads removed, please?

Thank you!


Please see Have you spotted vandalism on

Just to complement Ian’s answer, the Cyclosm project is aware of the issue, see here.

Different maps made with OSM data have taken various approaches to the problem, which have included things like removing cached data made with “known bad” data and taking whatever steps they can to ensure that “bad” data doesn’t get written in to cache (based on the characteristics of some of the “bad” data that causes the most problems) and that “good” data does.

Only the Cyclosm project can comment directly on what they are doing - and they may of course choose not to make that public to try and make it harder for the vandal to work around that.

If you wanted to set up a server to serve tiles with the Cyclosm map style but updated under your control, in terms of resources it’d probably take an old machine that you’ve got lying around already and an evening’s homework for a student. See here for generic “setting up a raster tile server” instructions and here for the Cyclosm style.

Thank you both for your replies. I really appreciate you taking the time to illuminate this for me. I hope you have good days.

Curiously, was looking at the Nardo Ring area (even NASA has a page it). Having the CycleOsm layer active a whole maze appeared in zoom 15 (300m) of the unusual. Moving around it looked like it was a single quadrant of a tile/tiles. As it is a very low mapping activity area mapped a few landuse plots there. Took a little but after a while and Ctrl+F5 that tile/tiles got refreshed too in the CycleOSM layer.