Count houses or building

Is there a way i can count the number of houses/building in a given area?

Hi and welcome to the OSM-Community!

You can run an overpass query for all buildings (or just building=house) in a selected area on the map:

out geom;

Another solution is to specify a specific area by name:

out geom;

You will then see the number of results in the bottom right.


The Ohsome Dashboard is also a fantastic way to get this info:

Especially if you want pretty charts. :slight_smile:

How to Get a Count/Chart of Buildings In An Area

1. On the map, on the right-hand side, you can:

  • Zoom in + Select the area you want.

2. On the left-hand side, in the various boxes…

You can type in:

  • Key: building
  • Value: ``
    • (If you only want building=house, then type in house. Otherwise, leave value BLANK.)
      • (I prefer to leave it blank to get all building types… since the vaaaast majority of buildings are tagged as building=yes.)

3. Now choose the dropdowns:

  • OSM Type: node way relation
    • By default it’s only “node”.

4. For “Group Results By…”:

  • Choose the tag radio button.
  • Grouping Key: building
    • (If you don’t want graph split by types, leave this BLANK.)

5. For “Time Interval”:

  • Choose Start and End Dates you want.
    • Most of the time, I focus on the last year (so 2024->2025).
  • Choose Period.
    • In the dropdown, I usually select monthly or weekly.

6. Push the green “Run Query” button.

This is what it should look like after it’s all completed:

Here’s an example of all buildings in Philadelphia from 2024–2025:

You can see how ~520k have been mapped (compared to 360k at the beginning of 2024!)… but:

Num Type
492.0k building=yes
15.2k building=house
3.0k building=semidetached_house
1.4k building=detached
1.3k building=apartments

so 94.6% are just generic building=yes, while ~2.9% are currently building=house. Only ~5% are even marked with an actual non-default type.

Side Note: Another great resource is Geofabrik’s Taginfo:

It’s just like the general TagInfo website, but broken down into countries/states.

For example, here’s the # of buildings in Texas. There are currently:

  • ~5.6 million buildings in Texas.
    • ~3.5 million are building=yes.
    • ~1.7 million are building=house.

They seem to update every day, so you’ll get pretty accurate stats from the latest OSM data.