Complaints against Brazilian category moderators

Ok, these five.

[quote="matheusgomesms, post:19, topic:110407"]
Finally, could you please respect our free time, and stop accusing us in many topics, but when we ask you anything you simply don’t answer? You didn’t answer [here ](, nor [here ](, [here ](, not even a thread you opened [here ]( or [here ](

additional context

From the question asked, there notable two

reply to this: this time, the answer is: no.

(Trivia: in last 6 months, discussions moved to telegram, just look at the gap on posts on Brasil (Brazil))

and this one, which I still drafting a reply. I’m on OpenStreetMap as volunteer, and in the last weeks I’m busy.

Should I reply this?

But other than these two above, there’s several questions such as

I mean, I’m being spammed by questions without any relation to the case, or borderline assuming I’m a retarded. But maybe the more absurd (which seems to be attempt on rethorical question) would be this one

This question seems to imply I’m accusing Wiki Admins of something, which is not the case.