I’ve just skimmed your post quickly (I’ll give it more time later), but I do not seem to find any detailing of this particular accusation as I understand it:
So, do you have somewhere in there any proof that that person, acting as a community.osm.org forum moderator, was actually deleting information on community.osm.org forum while having CoI in the topic where deletion allegedly took place?
Not what happened on unofficial telegram channels, not alleged wiki wars, not DWG related complaints, not illegal activities they may be involved IRL etc. (not to say those are not important if true: but they do not seem related to this particular accusation about Discourse category moderation powers abuse - if that was indeed what you complained about).
So, was there any abuse of moderation privileges on this Discourse instance in forum category where they are moderators (i.e. Brazil category AFAICT?). If so, in which thread exactly did deletion took place? (link the thread please)
Or, if they did not do that, what exact rules (that would preclude them being Discourse category moderators) do you accuse of them of having broken? Can you quote that exact line, so we’re on the same page what we’re talking about?