At location 29.504591, -82.872446, Florida-DOT has been (for 1-2 months) making a physical road change to prevent traffic on Northwest 60th Avenue (11058591) from being able to cross US 19;US 98;US 27 Alternate (11062771 and 194529132). The former way is northbound and the latter is southbound. The ability to cross those two, on the tertiary road is being removed (due to the acute angle and due to accidents. The tertiary will still be able to receive traffic from the main highway, but may not cross it (as has been possible for many years).
Traffic wanting to cross the main roads, will have to enter the main road elsewhere, and execute the crossing in a less dangerous method.
It is unclear to me how to map this change. Please point me to the bits I need to do this (as it will affect various mapping/routing apps feeding from the map data). The ability to cross has already been removed while the physical obstruction is being built.
Will the side road be able to turn both left and right onto the main road, but just not cross it?
There’s a place near me in Massachusetts where the side road can only turn right onto the main road, but the main road can turn onto the side road in either direction. It’s mapped as just a few one-way segments and doesn’t need any turn restriction relations, but I don’t know if it’s laid out the same way as what you’re describing.
The side road (aka tertiary) will no longer be able to send traffic onto the main highway or be able to run straight across the main highway. Southbound will have to take that small cutoff, head north then do a U-turn. Northbound has to turn a block shy of the intersection and then turn left at the traffic signal. The main road will be prevented from doing anything onto the side road other than a soft branch in the same direction (i.e. north-bound to north-bound and south-bound to south-bound). Hope this makes it more clear.
This is a permanent change, not temporary. The intersection was dangerous, and has been for the past ~40 years. Florida-DOT decided that the danger, combined with growing traffic volume, necessitated a permanent change. This is a safety improvement.
If I’m following your explanation correctly and if I haven’t missed anything, you just need to cut the tertiary road in two places and tag the crossed segments as was:highway=tertiary.
That’s close, but one detail is incorrect. The tertiary road will still exist, but only the lane that accepts traffic from the main highway (right side above the main highway, left side below the main highway. The opposite side of those two segments is being closed/removed, along with the crossing point at the center of the main highway.
The traffic signal (slightly below and off the image you used) is where the northbound traffic is now being routed to join the main highway. That specific red line is access to a business (ice dispensing machine).