Check if tracks could used for NEW ways in OSM

Hi !

I am very new to OSM. Since I have a Vista HCX for a few years now, there are a lot of tracks on my harddrive.

I wonder if there is a tool around which uses a bunch of gpx files as input and checks if corresponding ways are already added to OSM or not.

Visual inspection with a track-overlay on the map seems to be a very time consuming job :wink:

Thanks !

Try to load some of your GPX-tracks in the JOSM editor … there you can define (see JOSM’s settings for that) how your tracks are displayed.

IIRC there is a feature in JOSM to download raw OSM data along a given GPX track … so you don’t have to download very big areas for OSM data.

Then you can switch the view of the OSM data to a so called wireframe mode … all ways and objects are displayed only in blue e.g.

When your GPX-tracks are for example displayed in red, it is the easiest way I know to find unmapped areas.

Or does a viewer like help?