It differs because it is a tag that clearly states “this is an individual charge point”. As noted above the current tag fails to be clear as to whether it is one charge point or a site of many charge points.
And, yes, it should be used with the existing amenity tag.
I know this is not ideal, but as noted, the EV tag scheme was put in place before we really knew what the future of EV charging looks like. We do now, and therefore should look to improve the tag schema before too long.
@NKA, thanks for trying to summarize, that is useful!
To me, that actually seems like the simplest solution (except for doing nothing). It requires no retagging, and I think it would make life easier for map makers like @SomeoneElse(?). However, I still don’t understand what this site concept is… I mean, standing in front of a number of plugs/socket (already mapped as charging_station/charge_point/…), how would I know if I should add a site (relation/node/way)?
This looks to me like the current (mixed) usage of charging_station, but with a hard split (to charge_point) somewhere in the spectrum from site to socket… I would prefer to just continue using charging_station for the full spectrum (and maybe add a new aggregating site feature as said above).
Some possible drawbacks/questions to this suggestion:
What is the exact difference between charge_point/charging_station. How to decide if some physical feature is to be mapped as one or the other? If charging_station can be used for “one … charge point” it seems to me there is ambiguity…
If all tags available to both, how do we avoid double counting? E.g. should mappers manually make sure that e.g. sum(capacity) over some set of nodes matches sum(capacity) over some other set of nodes? This seems hard to get right…
If multiple plugs/sockets are integrated in one physical device (cabinet), how could they be recorded individually (for instance to link each to online status).
Not yet convinced redefinition of charging_station is needed, and I guess redefinition is to be avoided at some fairly high cost (though I appreciate @RobJN’s point about many more future objects to be mapped) .
But let’s not fool ourselves; there are endless places in OSM where optional additional tags are required to convey some (important) additional information. This is precisely one case. Where there are locations like the Gridserve example, it is useful for data users to be able to get from OSM data that “this is a location with multiple chargers”. It’s no different to how our competitors do it and it is no different to how live open data will be made available.
If you want to have some form of “automatic” summary then we need a new tagging for charging sites that one way or the other can model a hierarchy (note that man_made=charging_point does not do that).
If you just want to be able to differentiate if the object in question models a site or an individual “charge_point” then a tag that adds a charge_point count to the tagging is the trivial (and already suggested) option.
Here is a file with all charging stations in OSM with groups of chargers indicated: link.
Purely for illustration, charging stations closer to each other than 20 meters have been grouped together and retagged to man_made=charge_point, and a new node with amenity=charging_station has been generated to represent the group. The number of charge points in each group is provided in a (not to be used) GROUP tag, which is searchable.
Please note this is not intended for uploading. This is just a rough indication of candidates for man_made=charge_point, and there are several mistakes.
I want to be able to map sites like the Gridserve one. It has multiple charge points with different capabilities (a mixture of sockets, AC/DC and charge speeds). A simple charge_point tag won’t cover this detail. This detail is important as there is little point turning up to the site going to get a 350kW change to find that only a slow 50kW charger is available!
Perhaps you can send me file showing how you’d map the site.
P.s. if you don’t believe these sort of sites are worth being able to map, then we are not even agreed on step 1.
From the picture you posted I estimate that this site has about 10 devices/cabinets. Would adding 10 amenity=charging_station nodes, each having appropriate socket/output/payment tags not be sufficient? That would allow consumers to search for and find chargers having e.g. type2_combo with output>=350 kW… What is missing in this approach in your opinion?
This approach has the issue that duplicates will show up in search results, etc. Also, tags that apply for the whole station, not just one charge point, will have to be repeated many times, because there is no feature type for a whole charging site/station.
I guess they are not really duplicates insofar as there really does exist 10 devices… Nonetheless, I agree that presenting too many (10?) equally valid result to a user is not great, but is that not more an issue with the search user interface than with the data model?
Out of genuine curiosity, what tags would that be? I can think of operator, but in some cases several operators will be present next to each other[1], so it’s not so clear to me that repeating the same value (where appropriate) is wasted; it actually provides information that all these devices are from the same operator=X.
Anyway, both of these annoyances could probably be helped by introducing a site relation (or encompassing way), I think?
[1] I suspect this is even encouraged here in Denmark, to increase competition.
I think charge_station should represent the equivalent of a fuel pump. Like a fuel pump, it can have 1 or more customer facing displays each with thier own set of fuel types and/or methods. The electric version could be charge points.
Each point should be mapped as nodes on the area representing the charge_station (like street furniture) that they are apart of. Charge stations with one charge point can mapped as node. The charge point can be omitted it and all of its tags can be add directly the charge station node because we can assume that at least one exists. This should simplify adding of new and previously mapped stations with one charge point.
Let’s list our intended goals for the tagging scheme so we can discuss them systematically:
Backward compatibility
Representation of both individual charging devices as well as groups of charging devices as a site
No ambiguity between physical objects (devices) and virtual meta objects (site)
Precise tagging of individual charger device capabilities
Avoid redundancy (no tag duplication)
Incremental tagging (tagging scheme should be valid and useful with partial/incomplete information)
Easy to understand
Due to (1), we are limited in what changes we can make to amenity=charging_station. At a minimum, socket:*=* tags need to stay on the amenity=charging_station object.
Current situation:
amenity=charging_station is used for both individual devices (multiple nodes in close proximity in a single site) and charging sites (one node/area for multiple devices). In a lot of cases there is only one charging device at a site, so a single amenity=charging_station node represents both a device and a site.
a) No dedicated tagging for devices and sites. Use amenity=charging_station for both with a subtag for differentiation.
+ Minimal changes to the tagging scheme. Incremental improvements possible.
+ Coarse tagging of site only possible.
- Ambiguous if differentiating subtag is not present (also in the future for newly added objects, even if theoretically all currently existing objects were to be ‘fixed’ by adding the tag).
- Cannot really tag overall site AND individual devices in a location simultaneously (would be very weird at least).
b) Create a new tag for devices, use amenity=charging_station for sites.
+ Representation of both devices and sites.
+ Unambiguous (theoretically, disregarding current situation).
+ Backwards compatible coarse tagging of site only without precise tagging of individual devices possible.
- Does not match current situation. Current uses of amenity=charging_station for individual devices would be misinterpreted as sites. Requires re-checking of currently existing objects to prevent misinterpretation. Non-incremental upgrade path.
- Socket information cannot be tagged for individual charging devices in a backward compatible way. Dual tagging/tag duplication required on amenity=charging_station site object.
c) Create a new tag for sites, use amenity=charging_station for individual devices.
+ Representation of both devices and sites.
+ Unambiguous (theoretically, disregarding current situation).
+ Socket information stays on the amenity=charging_station object. No tag duplication on site required for backward compatibility.
+ Data consumers potentially already perform post-processing to lump together multiple amenity=charging_station objects in close proximity into a site.
- Does not match current situation. Current uses of amenity=charging_station for sites would be misinterpreted as devices. Requires re-checking of currently existing objects to prevent misinterpretation. Non-incremental upgrade path. (But: + current objects with socket information are still semantically useful and backward compatible, even if the number of physical devices is not correctly represented)
- Does not allow coarse tagging of just the site in a backwards compatible way. Individual devices need to be tagged for socket information.
d) Create a new tag for sites, treat amenity=charging_station as ambiguous (current situation) unless it it is part of an explicit site (which indicates it’s a device) or has a tag that clarifies that it’s a physical device.
+ Representation of both devices and sites.
+ Socket information stays on the amenity=charging_station object. No tag duplication on site required for backward compatibility.
+ Coarse tagging of site only without mapping individual devices possible in a backwards compatible way (similar to current practice by tagging it as amenity=charging_station. Not ideal but it works.)
+ Incremental improvements possible.
- Still partially ambiguous unless explicitly clarified, also for future objects.
I see the drawbacks of option b) as a dealbreaker unfortunately. Especially since it will always require tag duplication on both sites and individual devices, which is a surefire way to get incorrect and outdated information. Option c) mostly avoids that problem and allows for more detailed tagging while remaining backwards compatible.
I see option c) as a workable solution in an ‘ideal’ world, but realistically we will likely have to do something like option d) or a mixture thereof.
Here are a few observations from the import of over 2000 charging stations in Norway since 2018 and onwards:
Since 2018 most of the charging stations have been built by a few large brands. They typically build up to 20 (sometimes more) charge points at each location. They seldom (never?) build less than 2-3 charge points with a capacity of 4-6 cars, and these small sites tend to get expanded over the years. Many locations are next to a fuel station, next to a cafe/rest place or next to a mall. The highway administration typically plan for charging sites in new highway construction projects.
All the brands have apps where they present their charging stations on a map on a location/site basis, i.e. one symbol on the map for one location, even if there are 20 charge points at that location. If I select a location, a list of charge points are presented to show charge points which are not occupied, and I may then make a reservation. No charge points are shown on the map.
All charging stations have been mapped at the location/site level. Extremely few users here have been interested in the individual charge points within a site.
The most interesting information, as judged by discussions in local EV forums, seems to be the number of charge points (capacity) and the maximum charging output in kW. There is usually no information available on volt, ampere or phase.
Sockets are almost always CCS and Chademo for high capacity sites and Type2 at garages, hotels, offices etc.
It has turned out to be impossible to determine exactly how many sockets are available at the same time, even with very detailed information per charge point directly from the brands. The reason is that there are too many different configurations and versions/generations of the charge point devices. The individual charge points have therefore not been mapped, just the site. The capacity tag has often been determined by the number of market parking places in front of the charge points and the socket tag has been used to indicate the number of different socket types available at the site.
Payment method has not been tagged because it is RFID and apps everywhere.
Pricing has not been tagged because it varies a lot, even from day to day.
Access has been tagged and is very useful (customers, residents, employees etc).
Since new sites are being built all the time, they can seldom be seen on the aerials. Pictures in user forums are useful to determine exact locations.